Sermons Archive

A Call To Greatness

Summary: The future is built on decisions we make today. God calls and we are to obey.

Sustained By Unrecognized Strength

Summary: God chooses nations just s He chooses individuals. God preserves those whom He chooses, holding them responsible to fulfil His will.

God Of The Amen

Summary: God stands athwart the evil that people embrace. He blesses those who endeavour to serve Him, and curses those who seek to promote themselves.

Who Is God?


Like many people in this day, Moses knew about God, but Moses didn’t know God
until he encountered God. Each of us who are twice born will have had an encounter with the
Lord God. Until then, He is but a rumor.

What Is the Difference?


God is sovereign. God is just, and He is merciful. Your view of God dictates how you treat mankind.

A Different Time, A Different Place


Is the Sabbath Mandated for Christians? How should we approach the concept of the

Be Fruitful and Multiply

Summary: The Creator’s command, “Be Fruitful and Multiply,” is largely ignored by the people of God today. We have much to learn even with the second part of His command to subdue the earth.

Men Have Forgotten God


God must judge the sin of societies, and He does so even now. In the midst of judgement,

He shows mercy to all who look to Him.

Not All Cultures Are Equal

Summary: The rules for war that Moses gave to Israel revealed a vast cultural gap between Israel and the nations they were to dispossess. The nations of the west in this day are culturally superior to much of the remainder of the world because the foundations of the west are found in the Word of God.

alas, Babylon

Summary: God will judge this fallen world and those who live only for this world. How, then, shall the one who follows Christ live?

Wrong About The Shepherd

Summary: To fail to receive Christ as Shepherd of the soul is to position oneself outside of God’s flock.

Wrong About Authority

Summary: When Jesus was challenged to name His authority to teach, he exposed His interlocutors as incapable of assessing His answer even were He to deign give it.

Wrong About Judgement

Summary: Christ is the Righteous Judge of all mankind. Ultimately, we shall appear before the Judgement Seat of Christ, or we must appear before the Great White Throne. It is Christ Who will judge in either case.

Wrong About Religion


If we focus on our tenets to the exclusion of focusing on the will of the Lord, we are in
danger of drifting into Pharisaical Religion. If we allow this to happen, we will displease the
Lord and oppose Him.

Sinners Suffering for the Sins of the Saints

Summary: The saints of God hold back the judgement of God by their righteous presence in the land. But if the righteous cease to be godly, what can delay God’s righteous judgement?

A Rope Of Sand With The Strength Of Steel

The assurance of the Secret Place

Trouble comes into each life, even the life of the Christian. When trouble comes, the child or God will seek a refuge. The Psalmist points to the Lord God as the refuge for all who are redeemed.

“The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? “When evildoers assail me to eat up my flesh, my adversaries and foes, it is they who stumble and fall. “Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; …read more

An Incomplete Message

Summary: God is the central character in the Book of Job. We discover what is lacking in our own lives as we witness God revealing His character in this account of His dealing with one suffering saint.

Until He Comes, Go!

Summary: As a Christian, you are not only expected to tell lost people of Christ’s free gift of salvation, but you are expected to pray, asking him to send forth labourers to work in the fields of lost humanity.

God Appoints His Servant to Hard Tasks!


As one who follows the Risen Lord, you may be assured that Christ has assigned you
to do a particular task. And that task will require your fnest effort, because God appoints His servant to hard tasks

Moses, The Wisdom of the Egyptians, and Modern Education


God will use you and what you bring to Him for His glory. But God does not depend
on your education to advance His cause.

Success Is Never About Defeating Giants


Fighting and winning one battle does not define your life, any more than fighting and losing one battle defines who you are.

How Long, O Lord? How Long?


Though the Lord shall judge the nation that practice wickedness, how shall we who follow Christ respond to the evil embraced and promoted within our culture?

When The Bottom Drops Out

Summary: Even the righteous suffer when judgement is poured out on the nation. God’s people are what holds back judgement at this time.

A Plea From The Pit


God is merciful whenever the sinner seeks Him and His mercy. God will show mercy to the nation, the culture, the society that turns from wickedness to seek His grace.

Chastisement and Compassion


Even in the midst of national judgement, the follower of Christ the Lord is comforted
by the hope Christ gives.

The Cost Of National Sin


God does judge nations. God’s judgement of Israel serves to warn the nations in this day not to presume on God’s goodness and mercy.

A Survey Of My Grief


Lamentations speaks on behalf of those suffering as he reminds the Lord of how
great is the grief experienced. He confesses that the judgement is deserved. In this, he
provides a warning to those living in this present culture that they must not presume against the
goodness of God.

Why Lamentations?


Contemporary western culture is facing a date with destiny. When God’s judgement
is unleashed, and it shall surely come, all of us will lament our failure to honour Him or to serve

Preachers In Perdition

Summary: Many professed Christians will be turned away from Heaven because they have trusted an act rather than trusting the Son of God.


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