For This Purpose I Have Come

It is evident that for one to say “I love God” while using the freedom we have in Him as a cover-up for evil exposes that person as a fraud. Is it any less evident that one who professes to love God without loving the brotherhood is equally fraudulent? Another Scriptural writer has commanded those who follow the Master, “Let brotherly love continue” [HEBREWS 13:1]. However, it is fraudulent to profess brotherly love while absenting ourselves from the assembly. Going to the House of the Lord at Christmas and Easter is no more indicative of love for Christ than a man professing love for his family while going to his own home only for his birthday and for his anniversary. Of such a man, we would rightly say that he has no love for his wife and that he does not love his family. Why, then, would we say that someone loves God when they worship Him twice a year, or even worship only occasionally? Such a person may whine that we are judging him, but aren’t we actually reflecting the reality of what is shown by his own choice? Jesus came to present His life as a sacrifice because of our fallen, broken condition. When we receive His sacrifice as our own, the Spirit of the Living Saviour takes up residence in our life. We are redeemed, brought to life in Him, and His Spirit begins the work of transforming us, preparing us for eternity in the presence of the True and Living God. The individual continuing unchanged and as she has always lived must ask herself whether she is twice-born or whether she is merely pretending to be a follower of the Master. This is the reason that the Apostle challenged the saints in Corinth, “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test” [2 CORINTHIANS 13:5].